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The Awarean

Mark Richman coined the word Awarean using the root word AWARE to describe a person who has evolved from a subconsciously motivated human to someone who has evolved beyond the ego-mind. It’s used as a noun to describe an Awarean person. It can also be used as a verb to describe the action of an Awarean approach to higher intelligence.

This new evolutionary species of mankind has taken millions of years to unfold. There have been few Awareans in our past history as humans until now.

The newly self-realized Awareans are joining together to bring their fellow humans to the brink of this new evolution through direct exposure to the empirical knowledge that the world and everything within the objective universe is the direct result of consciousness and awareness is our true identity.

Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey of human potential like never before! The concept of Awareans, coined by the visionary Mark Richman, unveils a groundbreaking revelation: within the scope of humanity, a new, higher evolution awaits us. Imagine realizing that you possess untapped super-human powers of wellbeing and higher intelligence, just waiting to be unleashed with a little guidance.

An Awarean is no ordinary individual; it represents a profound transformation from a subconscious, ego-driven human to a being that transcends the limitations of the mind. This evolutionary leap is comparable, if not greater, than the monumental transition from neanderthals to cro-magnons!

Embrace the exhilarating possibilities. Picture yourself as an Awarean, embodying the qualities of this new evolutionary species that has taken millions of years to manifest. Until now, there have been only a select few Awareans in our history as humans.

But the tides are changing. Self-realized Awareans are uniting, forming a collective force dedicated to propelling their fellow humans to the precipice of this extraordinary evolution. Through direct exposure to the empirical knowledge that everything within the objective universe is the direct result of consciousness, they are ushering humanity towards a higher plane of existence. By embracing our true identity, which is rooted in awareness, we can unlock unimaginable levels of intelligence.

Feel the excitement coursing through your veins as you contemplate the immense potential within you. The time for transformation is now. Together, we are poised to redefine the boundaries of what it means to be human, as we step into the realm of Awareans and unlock the astonishing capabilities that lie within us all. Get ready to embark on this awe-inspiring adventure and embrace the limitless possibilities of the Awarean approach to higher intelligence.

Teachers, Students and None of the Above

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled near the jungle, there was a renowned teacher named Guruji who was known for his ability to impart deep wisdom to his students. Among his students was a young boy named Anattadas, who lived near the edge of the village.
While wandering in the jungle one day, Anattadas heard a thunderous roar from behind him. Filled with terror, he slowly turned around and came face to face with a fierce lion, its massive paw raised menacingly. To his surprise, Anattadas noticed a large thorn embedded in the lion's paw. The lion was pleading for help. Despite his fear, Anattadas felt compassion for the suffering creature and decided to assist.

Realizing that the thorn was deeply lodged, Anattadas searched for a suitable tool to remove it. Spotting another thorn on the ground nearby, he discreetly picked it up while the lion was preoccupied examining its paw. With his back turned to the lion, Anattadas carefully positioned himself under the paw and with a sharp thrust, swiftly extracted the embedded thorn. The lion let out a painful roar and prepared to pounce on Anattadas, but then realized the pain was gone, along with the thorn. Grateful for Anattadas' aid, the lion affectionately licked him on the top of his head before gracefully retreating into the jungle.

The following day, Anattadas visited Guruji's school and shared his remarkable encounter with the class. Guruji attentively listened to Anattadas' tale and, wearing a smile, proceeded to elucidate its deeper significance. He imparted to Anattadas and the other students that enlightened masters often employ simple stories or situations to stimulate the comprehension of profound knowledge. These stories may be partially veiled in truth, not unlike using a thorn to remove a thorn, to help students overcome obstacles hindering their progress.

Anattadas was astounded by the wisdom inherent in Guruji's teachings and began to grasp the value of learning from stories and personal experiences. He realized that even the simplest of things can hold profound meanings, and that maintaining an open mind is the key to unlocking genuine understanding.

From that day forward, Anattadas became one of Guruji's most devoted students, unveiling true self-realization and becoming a great teacher himself. He never forgot the lesson he learned from the thorn in the lion's paw and the wise teachings of Guruji.

~Revised by Mark Richman / Original Author Unknown 

Do You Know Your Secret Identity

A conceptual understanding of Non-Duality is that there is only one true Self, which is the ultimate reality. This Self is not separate from anything else in existence. The differences that we perceive in the world around us are illusory, arising from our limited perspectives and the way in which we interpret sensory information.

To realize our true nature, it is usually necessary to engage in self-inquiry and introspection. By examining our own thoughts, feelings, and experiences, we can begin to see how our perception of the world is shaped by our own conditioning and beliefs.

One effective technique for self-inquiry is to ask ourselves this question: "Who am I?" This inquiry helps to direct our attention inward, away from external distractions, and toward our true nature. As we explore these questions more deeply, we may begin to recognize that our sense of self is not fixed or permanent but comes and goes and is constantly changing.

Ultimately, knowing our true nature as unchanging awareness is the enlightenment we seek. This awareness is always present, but obscured by our identification with the changing objects of perception and a distorted sense of self brought on by a barrage of misleading thoughts.

Through spiritual practice, we learn to abide in this unchanging awareness and recognize it as the true self. This realization brings an end to the illusion of separation and the suffering that arises from it, revealing the underlying unity and peace that pervades all of existence.

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